Our Services
Safe Journey is here to serve survivors of domestic violence and their children.
Safe Journey provides a variety of support services for survivors including counseling, support groups, medical and legal advocacy and emergency shelter as needed.
Counseling sites include online, Union City, Corry, Edinboro, North East, and Girard. Call the Hotline (814) 438-2675.
- A 24-Hour Hotline
- Individual Counseling
- Emergency Shelter
- Safety Planning
- Protection from Abuse (PFA) Assistance
- Court Accompaniment & Transportation
- Medical Advocacy
- Empowerment Groups (daily)
- Information & Referral
- Children’s Counseling & Groups
- Possible Financial Assistance
- Parenting After Domestic Violence Classes
Medical Advocacy
The Medical Advocate is available to provide the Medical Advocacy Program (MAP) that offers information and training to private medical, dental and chiropractic practices, hospitals, health centers, school nurses, and even first responders.
Training may be adjusted to fit the schedule and location needs of the medical providers. In addition to the training, the medical Advocate will continue to provide informational materials and ongoing support to assist their efforts to help clients who are experiencing domestic violence in their lives.
If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 for the police to come to your aid.
To talk confidentially with a caring & trained domestic/dating advocate about your circumstances and possible options, call Safe Journey’s Hotline at (814) 438-2675.
Safe Journey Hotline is a 24-hour hotline.
Protection From Abuse
A Protective From Abuse Order (PFA) is one option for you to consider in seeking safety from your abuser.
A Safe Journey legal advocate can make getting a PFA less confusing. The legal advocate will assist in filing for a PFA and transport and accompany you to the courthouse for the temporary and then the final hearings.
You will go before a judge, who will ask you questions about your safety and has the authority to grant a temporary order and you will be given a copy to carry with you at all times and a copy to file with the police.
Within 10 days you will attend a hearing for the final PFA and it helps to have the legal advocate present for support.
To get an emergency protection order on holidays, nights, or weekends, call the Safe Journey Hotline at (814) 438-2675.
Safe Journey provides emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and the children and teens who live with them.