
Contact Safe Journey

Get In Touch

If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 for the police to come to your aid.

To talk confidentially with a caring and trained domestic/dating advocate about your circumstances and possible options, call Safe Journey’s Hotline at (814) 438-2675.

Have A Question?

Let's Talk

Reach out to us to get resources, schedule an appointment (virtual or in-person), or just to talk with someone.

How You Can Reach Us




Mailing Address

PO Box 208
Union City, PA 16438

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Safe Journey do?

Caring and trained advocates provide individual support counseling and advocacy to survivors, children and also to friends and family who know or suspect that someone they know is being abused.

Who started Safe Journey?

Safe Journey was organized in early 1978 by a group of concerned residents that included people of faith, the justice of the peace, police officers, a social worker and other townspeople who were instrumental in identifying the need for domestic violence services. 

How does Safe Journey support itself?

Safe Journey provides free services to victims and their loved ones as well as free training on bystander intervention and domestic violence prevention to the community. These free services are only possible through the generosity of our donors and other private, state and federal grants that we receive. Please consider supporting Safe Journey!

What other programs does Safe Journey run?

With our focus on victims of domestic violence coupled with prevention, education and shelter, Safe Journey is responsible for several programs including:

PurpleOne – A program to train community members to recognize, respond to and refer victims of domestic violence and to provide safe places in the community for victims to seek help.

Safe Dates Matter – A safe dating awareness program to empower teens to engage in healthy dating relationships and how to get help if they are unsafe.

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed"

Lori Palisin

Executive Director
Safe Journey